community-based voluntary organisation
Community Active Support (CAS) is a community-based voluntary organisation, established
in March 2001, and registered as a charity in England on 17 th December 2002 (1095082), it
was founded after a wide consultation amongst Migrants in the London Borough of Barking
and Dagenham and the surrounding areas highlighted by particular difficulties in accessing
mainstream services due to language and cultural barriers.
CAS aims to fight against knowledge gaps, disease, poverty and social exclusion among the
whole disadvantaged communities in general and Africans and French speaking
communities in particular through a common effort to relieve poverty, advance education
and improve access, and to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare, recreational,
leisure, and support with the object of improving the conditions of life for these people.
Over the years, CAS has established itself as a grass root voluntary organisation in a
multicultural community, that provides inclusive services, promotes community cohesion
and works for community well-being and social inclusion.